5 Must-Have Backpacking Foods for a Successful Trip

5 Must-Have Backpacking Foods

When you’re backpacking, you often need to count every ounce that you carry in your pack. This makes it imperative that you choose only the most nutritious and delicious foods to take with you on your trip, so you don’t feel deprived of the food groups you enjoy or the foods that give you energy during your hike. Before you head out on your next backpacking trip, consider these 5 must-have backpacking foods for a successful trip. You won’t regret it!

1-Energy bars

5 Must-Have Backpacking Foods

One of the most important 5 must-have backpacking foods to buy is an energy bar. They provide sustained energy for many hours and help with hunger if you can’t stop to eat or cook anything. For this, I recommend buying 100 calorie bars and choosing something with 200mg of caffeine in it to help keep you up and give you an extra boost when needed.

2-Protein powder

5 Must-Have Backpacking Foods

Bringing protein powder is one of the best ways to keep up your strength on a backpacking trip. Protein powder can make all the difference between feeling energized and drained at the end of each day. Plus, having it around as an option to add to meals can be helpful for those that don’t eat meat or have any other dietary restrictions. 


5 Must-Have Backpacking Foods

For long trips, you will need to take snacks. In our experience, the easiest ones to have on hand are oatmeal and cliff bars. Oatmeal is a great food because it’s dense in calories and easy to cook over any flame or stove. Plus, all the ingredients fit in your bag if you order it in bulk before your trip. Pack one of these per day for long trips; six for shorter trips.

4- Peanut butter

peanut butter

No backpacking trip is complete without some good ol’ peanut butter. This protein-packed treat can be used as an ingredient or just eaten straight up. It also makes the perfect substitute if you’re missing something like your breakfast and are in desperate need of calories. Another plus, peanut butter tastes amazing when it’s combined with chocolate chips and honey. That way, you’ll never get tired of eating the same thing over and over again!

5-Beef jerky

backpacking food


Beef Jerky is an easy, lightweight and tasty way to get your protein and provide you with energy when you need it the most. Just be sure to keep it safe so they don’t go bad during your trip.

That’s why, when deciding how much beef jerky to pack on your backpacking trip, it’s important to think about the length of time that you’ll be gone.

Those were the 5 must-have backpacking foods when you think what to eat during your trip, to make it comfortable and enjoyable.

Read more about how to upgrade your backpacking skills in Backpacking Tips.

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